From My Tribe

The word tribe…

I saw it everywhere and I honestly did not like it. I felt it was trendy and way overused. When I saw “tribe” being used on social media, I often thought it was a way people could make a statement of who is in their life but even more clearly, tell you who wasn’t (and make you envious of that fact).

As I wrestled with what to call the blog where everyone can read about my children but most importantly, the place where my children share their stories, I tried to define this section without using this very word. Then I read one of my favorite books, “The Last Arrow” by Erwin McManus. His definition of tribe nailed it and I knew the title to this section could be nothing less. As Erwin wrote about his tribe he defined it as the following:

-You will go faster and farther when you find your tribe

-You become who you walk with.

-We are more powerful when we walk together.

-Greatest strength is when you no longer have to prove you need to walk alone.

-Great teams make average people good and good people great.

That is US. We are a team. We surround one another to encourage and challenge and walk through this life together. We may look messy to others but we are real and know our authenticity can impact others. I want each of my children to be who they are meant to be: uniquely created and therefore can impact the world. I pray for them and their walk with Jesus and pray that their stories will impact you and make a difference and He will use their stories and our story to be a blessing in your life.

Some Words From

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