Hello Beautiful

What’s the one thing, that one saying you tell yourself every day?

Maybe it’s what gets you out of bed, what you say to yourself before you walk into a meeting, or it’s something you need to say to someone else who you know needs to hear it.

Mine is
“Hello Beautiful”

Beautiful beyond our physical beauty. That beauty when you look in the mirror you’re finally able to see beyond your flaws, your scars, your stretch marks, your aging body. The beauty that exists deep inside. We will be compared, we will be analyzed, we will be judged. but the way you view yourself cannot be shaken by the outside noise and critics.

Five years ago,

this message came to me while I was shopping in Chicago with my oldest daughter Alyssa. I bought a sweater for her in hopes that every time she would wear it, she would put it on and truly believe what it said: Hello Beautiful. Or maybe I bought it in hopes that every time she wore it and I read it, I would believe it! I hoped the message would speak my heart to her in a time I was too fragile to verbalize all I wanted her to know.

The weekend we bought that sweater, I was going through a divorce after 22 years of marriage, watching my children struggle with the newness of this decision I made.

In that moment,

I challenged myself to shrink or rise. I spent a lot of time getting comfortable with being alone and channeling my energy into my career. I found what I loved to do, spoke up for what I want in my career and acted intentionally about the goals that I set. I put myself around the right people (my kids, my fitness, my community). And I truly had to be:

  • Okay with being alone
  • Strategic with where I spent my time and my energy
  • Picky about who I allowed in my life
  • Focused on developing my career, myself or my children

Hello Beautiful serves as a daily reminder to me that goes way beyond physical beauty.

The power of the mind and what we tell ourselves ends up playing out in every facet of our lives. I want you to see your intellect, your gifts, your honesty, and I’m here to help you discover your unique talents and individuality.I hope every time you hear the phrase “Hello Beautiful” you, believe it, just like we do. Hello beautiful, welcome to the world.

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