“People will always have an opinion; you have to choose to listen or not.”  

As a huge college basketball fan, receiving the message to reach out to Joel Berry, former UNC national champion and current professional basketball player, was one of the first “pinch-me” moments of my ARYSE career. I was excited to meet Joel and receive his feedback on our IFAST. 

Walking away from the meeting, I gained way more than feedback on a product. I gained more profound respect and admiration for a young man. 

We talked about his high school journey into college and how he dealt with and still deals with outside opinions. As you can imagine, as a starting athlete on one of the most successful basketball programs, your life is on display for all to see.  

Fans have an open platform to speak into athletes’ lives and make very bold statements through social media and yelling loudly from the stands.  

As he told me stories from games, injuries, and championship titles, he often referred back to his mom’s wisdom and the ability to utilize her advice.  

Joel said his mom always told him, “People will always have an opinion; you have to choose to listen or not.”

His mom’s wisdom reminds him to continue being who he is and not waver from the highs and lows that can come from the outside opinions.  Instead, remain steadfast without allowing the noise to change his mindset.  

How true this is for all of us!  Think back to a time somebody critiqued you… told you were too loud, too quiet, too distant, too emotional, not emotional enough. 

Maybe a time you second-guessed what you were doing on the opinions of the one yelling the loudest. 

My friends, take time before you react, allowing those opinions to sway you, and ask yourself if you need to listen to that opinion and if the person yelling loudest has EARNED this right to speak into who you are and the direction you are going.