
“Leadership, like coaching, is fighting for the hearts and souls of men and getting them to believe in you” Eddie Robinson

From the moment I met with Coach George, saw how he ran QB Impact, and met his athletes, I knew there was something different. I can see him living out his favorite quote above. 

All the athletes call me Miss Shelli. All of them say please and thank you. All of them are respectful. Whether at AT&T stadium, at OBU football field, or training at OAC, his athletes remain the same.

Culture, community, and respect!

Yes, he runs an organization where nothing else is accepted. He knows it is not a fit for everyone, but he has earned those families’ trust, and they all know in the good, the bad, the ugly, he will show up. And that, to me, is the best example of a coach and a leader.

I love seeing how other organizations run, observe how the leaders lead, and learn from them. I look at their core values and see how they line up with what I see today. Tom George is a real example of practicing what you preach! 

QB Impact Core Values:

Character: Mental and moral qualities distinctive to you

Trust: Belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of you

Courage: Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand fear or difficulty 

A lesson I have learned in business is surrounding myself with leaders who are an example and encourage me to become the best version.   I have learned so much from Tom both on the personal and professional levels. He challenges me, which I love because it keeps me evaluating how I do business and run my organization unapologetically.

What leaders do you surround yourself with? Who are you watching? Who are you learning from? Find your business mentor today!